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- Aronna, Michael
- Banet-Weiser, Sarah
- Berger, Dina
- Beverley, John
- Brander Rasmussen, Birgit
- Brotherton, Pierre Sean
- Buchenau, Jürgen
- Cahoon, John B,
- Campbell, Howard
- Campo, Rafael
- Cerny, Karl H.
- Colas, Santiago
- Dienst, Richard
- Dovey, Teresa
- Dussel, Enrique D.
- Dwyer, John Joseph
- Fernandes, Sujatha
- González Echevarría, Robe...
- Gotkowitz, Laura
- Gow, David D,
- Graybill, Andrew R.
- Greenberg, Amy S.
- Gremillion, Helen
- Gugelberger, Georg M.
- Guy, Donna J,
- Hellwig, Tineke
- Henderson, Timothy J.
- Hoeltje, Hubert H,
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- Joseph, G. M.
- Joseph, Gilbert Michael
- Jáuregui, Carlos A.
- Kaplan, Louis
- Kerr, Lucille
- King, Anthony Stephen
- Lewis, Laura A.
- Lindsay-Poland, John
- Lloyd, Peter John
- López, Rick Anthony
- Martínez Peláez, Severo
- McCrossen, Alexis
- Moraña, Mabel
- Nelson, Diana M.
- Oderman, Kevin
- Oviedo, José
- Penniman, Howard Rae
- Rony, Fatimah Tobing
- Russell, Catherine
- Salmond, John A,
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- Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky
- Serna, Laura Isabel
- St. John, Rachel
- Tagliacozzo, Eric
- Tinker Salas, Miguel
- Valerio-Jiménez, Omar San...
- Wood, Andrew Grant
- Young, Elliott
- Zhang, Xudong
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