Basic material handling equipment [Disco Compacto] /
prepared by College-Industry Council on Material Handling Education.
- 1 CD-ROM : sonido, a color ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 Carpeta (paginación varia)
Designed to introduce students and industry personnel to the types of equipment used for material handling.
Requerimientos de sistema for Apple Macintosh: 68040 CPU or greater; 4 MB RAM; CD-ROM drive; 13´/14´ color monitor running in 8 bit (256 colors) 640 x 480 resolution. Requerimientos de sistema for IBM-compatible PC: 486 CPU or greater; 4 MB RAM; Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; Sound Blaster Compatible Audio; CD-ROM drive; 13´/14´ color monitor running in 8 bit (256 colors) 640 x 480 resolution.