Giffords, Gloria Fraser, 1938-

The art of private devotion : Retablo painting of México / principal essay and catalogue by Gloria Fraser Giffords ; with accompanying essays by Yvonne Lange, Virginia Amella de Aspe and Mercedes Meade. - Fort Worth ; Dallas : InterCultura ; Meadows Museum, Southern Methodist University, 1991. - 126 páginas : ilustraciones (algunas a color)

Incluye bibliografía .

Lenders to the exhibition -- Forword -- Introduction -- Preface and acknowledgments -- Curator's preface and acknowledgments -- Color plates -- The art of private devotion: retablo painting of México -- The impact of European prints on the devotional tin paintings of México -- An introduction: The contexto of the Mexian Retablo -- Catalogue of the exhibition.

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[Place of publication not identified]:
HathiTrust Digital Library.

Pintura mexicana--Exposiciones.
Cristianismo y arte.--México
Arte popular mexicano.--

Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs

755.2 / G458a 1991