Withgott, Jay,

Essential environment : the science behind the stories / Jay Withgott, Matthew Laposata. - Fourth edition. - xii, 418 páginas + (paginación varia) : ilustraciones (principalmente a color) ; 28 cm.

Incluye bibliografía.

Science and sustainability: an introduction to environmental science -- Environmental systems: matter, energy, and ecosystems -- Evolution, biodiversity, and population ecology -- Species interactions and community ecology -- Environmental economics and environmental policy -- Human population -- Soil, agriculture, and the future of food -- Biodiversity and conservation biology -- Forests, forest management, and protected areas -- Environmental health and toxicology -- Geology, minerals, and mining -- Fresh water, oceans, and coasts -- Atmospheric science and air pollution -- Global climate change -- Nonrenewable energy sources, their impacts, and energy conservation -- Renewable energy alternatives -- Managing our waste -- The urban environment: creating sustainable cities.

0321752902 0321795768 9780321752901 9780321795762

Ciencias ambientales.

628 / W824e 2012