On the map : a mind-expanding exploration of the way the world looks /
Simon Garfield.
- 464 páginas : ilustraciones.
Incluye bibliografía (páginas 446-448).
_ For the love of maps : foreword / map that wrote itself -- What great minds knew -- men who sold the world -- world takes shape -- Venice, China and a trip to the moon -- mystery of Vinland -- Welcome to Amerigo -- What´s the good of Mercator? -- world in a book -- Mapping a cittee (without forder troble) -- Six increasingly coordinated tales of the Ordnance Survey -- legendary mountains of Kong -- opening of America and the gridding of Manhattan -- Cholera and the map that stopped it -- ´X´ marks the spot : Treasure island -- worst journey in the world to the last place to be mapped -- Maps in all our hands : a brief history of the guidebook -- Casablanca, Harry Potter and where Jennifer Aniston lives -- How to make a very big globe -- biggest map dealer, the biggest map thief -- Driving into lakes : how GPS put the world in a box -- Pass go and proceed directly to Skyrim -- Mapping the brain -- instant, always-on, me-mapping of everywhere. by Dava Sobel -- Introduction : the The The The The The The The The Epilogue : the