Moving materials : physical delivery in libraries / edited by Valerie Horton and Bruce Smith. - vi, 202 páginas : ilustraciones

Incluye bibliografía.

The current landscape of physical delivery. Delivery : the forgotten function / Valerie Horton -- Factors influencing delivery options / Valerie Horton and Brenda Bailey-Hainer -- Physical delivery service organization / Bruce Smith -- Library delivery service models. Creating an in-house delivery system / Bruce Smith -- Outsourcing delivery services / Valerie Horton and Greg Pronevitz -- Contractual vendor relations / David Millikin and Brenda Bailey-Hainer -- Managing physical delivery services. Routing and materials management systems / Bruce Smith and Valerie Horton -- Growth management solutions / Valerie Horton, Ivan Gaetz, and Bruce Smith -- Managing participating libraries´ relationships / Valerie Horton -- Managing the delivery service / Valerie Horton, Lisa Priebe, and Melissa Stockton -- The future of physical delivery. Home delivery / Lori Ayres and Jim Myers -- Connecting courier services / Valerie Horton.

0838910017 9780838910016

Bibliotecas.--Manejo de materiales--Estados Unidos.
Circulación y préstamo (Bibliotecas).
Cooperación entre bibliotecas--Estados Unidos.

025.6 / M935 2010