Debating democracy´s discontent : essays on American politics, law, and public philosophy /
edited by Anita L. Allen and Milton C. Regan, Jr.
- xvi, 391 páginas ; 24 cm.
Incluye bibliografía.
Reviving civic virtue. The retrieval of civic virtue: a critical appreciation of Sandel´s Democracy´s Discontent / Thomas L. Pangle -- Virtue en masse / Jeremy Waldron -- Reworking Sandel´s Republicanism / Philip Pettit. Toward an American public philosophy. Political economy and the politics of virtue: US public philosophy at century´s end / William A. Galston -- The encumbered American self / Clifford Orwin -- A public philosophy of the professional-managerial class / Mark Tushnet -- Notes of a Jewish Episcopalian : Gender as a language of class; religion as a dialect of liberalism / Joan C. Williams. Liberal Republicanism. A defense of minimalist liberalism / Richard Rorty -- Michael Sandel and Richard Rorty: two models of the republic / Richard Sennett -- Liberal egalitarianism and civic republicanism: friends or enemies? / Will Kymlicka -- Moral status and the status of morality in political liberalism / Andrew W. Siegel -- Sandel´s liberal politics / Bruce Frohnen. Living with Difference. Michael Sandel´s America / Michael Walzer -- Moral dialogues: a communitarian core element / Amitai Etzioni -- Can this republic be saved? / Jean Bethke Elshtain and Christopher Beem -- Civic republicanism and civic pluralism: the silent struggle of Michael Sandel / William E. Connolly -- Living with difference / Charles Taylor. Law, Morals, and Private Lives. Unencumbered individual and embedded selves: reasons to resist dichotomous thinking in family law / Mary Lyndon Shanley -- The right of privacy in Sandel´s Procedural Republic / James E. Fleming and Linda C. McClain -- Gay marriage and liberal constitutionalism: two mistakes / Robin West. Self-Government and Democratic Discontent. Fusion Republicanism / Nancy L. Rosenblum -- Corporate speech and civic virtue / Milton C. Regan, Jr. -- Federalism as a cure for democracy´s discontent? / Mark Tushnet.
0198294964 9780198294962
Sandel, Michael J.
Democracia--Estados Unidos. Derechos humanos--Estados Unidos. Liberalismo--Estados Unidos.