Latino immigrants and the transformation of the U.S. South /
edited by Mary E. Odem and Elaine Lacy.
- xxvii, 175 páginas : ilustraciones, mapas
Incluye bibliografía.
_ Cultural enclaves and transnational ties: Mexican immigration and settlement in South Carolina / New scenarios of migration: social vulnerability of undocumented Veracruzanos in the southern United States / The Dalton story: Mexican immigratrion and social transformation in the carpet capital of the world / Globalization and Latin American immigration in Alabama / Hispanic newcomers to North Carolina : demographic characteristics and economic impact / Race, migration, and labor control: neoliberal challenges to organizing Mississippi´s poultry workers / Latino immigrants and the politics of space in Atlanta / New Americans in a new south city? Immigrant and refugee politics in Nashville, Tennessee / Popular attitudes and public policies: southern responses to Latino immigration / Elaine Lacy -- Rosio Cordova Plaza -- Victor Zuniga and Ruben Hernandez-Leon -- Raymond A. Mohl -- James. H. Johnson Jr. and John D. Kasarda -- Angela C. Stuesse -- Mary E. Odem -- Jamie Winders -- Elaine Lacy and Mary E. Odem.
0820329681 9780820329680
Inmigrantes.--Condiciones sociales.--Estados del Sur Latinoamericanos.--Estados del Sur.
América Latina.--Migración e inmigración. Estados del Sur--Migración e inmigración.