Hughes, Sallie,

Newsrooms in conflict : journalism and the democratization of Mexico / Sallie Hughes. - x, 286 páginas : ilustraciones - Pitt Latin American series. .

Incluye bibliografía.

Civic journalism and the transformation of an authoritarian media institution -- Media transformation through institutional lenses -- Authoritarian and democratic models of news production -- Ending the monologue: the rise of civic journalism -- The limits to civic journalism -- How institutional entrepreneurs created civic newsrooms -- Alternatives to the civic newsroom: inertial and adaptive authoritarianism -- Market-driven journalism -- The durability of civic journalism -- Media transformation in comparative perspective

0822959283 9780822959281

Periodismo.--Aspectos políticos--Historia--México--Siglo XX.
Periodismo.--Aspectos sociales--Historia--México--Siglo XX.
Prensa.--Historia--México--Siglo XX.

302.230972 / H894n 2006