Journal of interamerican studies and world affairs.

Journal of interamerican studies and world affairs. - volumen : ilustraciones - Cuatrimestral - V. 12- 1970- .

Escribir en inglés. No reclamar. Rev. don. no vigente BC

ABC pol sci 0001-0456 America, history and life 0002-7065 1970- Historical abstracts. Part A. Modern history abstracts 0363-2717 1970- Historical abstracts. Part B. Twentieth century abstracts 0363-2725 1970- Recently published articles 0145-5311 Social sciences index 0094-4920

Publication of the Center for Advanced International Studies, University of Miami, 1970- ; Institute of Interamerican Studies, University of Miami, .

Vols. 1-30, 1959-89. 1 v.




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