The bird atlas /
Taylor, Barbara, 1954-
The bird atlas / illustrated by Richard Orr ; written by Barbara Taylor. - 1st American ed. - New York : Boston : Dorling Kindersley ; Distributed by Houghton Mifflin Company, �1993. - 64 p��ginas : ilustraciones a color, mapas a color ; 36 cm
"Dorling Kindersley Book." Includes index.
How to use this atlas -- What is a bird? Where birds live -- The Arctic -- The Americas. North America, forests and woodlands -- North American western mountains -- North American deserts -- North American wetlands -- North America, Central America and the Caribbean -- South America, Amazon rain forest -- South America, Andes -- South America, Pampas -- South America, Galapagos Islands -- Europe. Forest and woodlands -- Mediterranean -- Coastal areas -- Africa. Forests and mountains -- Savannah -- Wetlands -- Asia. Himalyas. Southeast Asia -- Japan and China -- Australisia. Woodland and desert -- Rain forests -- New Zealand -- Antarctica -- Travelers of the world -- Birds in danger -- Index.
Describes the physical characteristics and habitats of birds around the world.
1564583279 9781564583277 0751350680 9780751350685
GB9429041 bnb
Birds--Juvenile literature.
Birds--Geographical distribution--Juvenile literature.
Birds--Habitat--Juvenile literature.
Oiseaux--Ouvrages pour la jeunesse.
Oiseaux--Distribution g��ographique--Ouvrages pour la jeunesse.
Birds--Geographical distribution.
Juvenile works.
Juvenile literature.
598.29 598
The bird atlas / illustrated by Richard Orr ; written by Barbara Taylor. - 1st American ed. - New York : Boston : Dorling Kindersley ; Distributed by Houghton Mifflin Company, �1993. - 64 p��ginas : ilustraciones a color, mapas a color ; 36 cm
"Dorling Kindersley Book." Includes index.
How to use this atlas -- What is a bird? Where birds live -- The Arctic -- The Americas. North America, forests and woodlands -- North American western mountains -- North American deserts -- North American wetlands -- North America, Central America and the Caribbean -- South America, Amazon rain forest -- South America, Andes -- South America, Pampas -- South America, Galapagos Islands -- Europe. Forest and woodlands -- Mediterranean -- Coastal areas -- Africa. Forests and mountains -- Savannah -- Wetlands -- Asia. Himalyas. Southeast Asia -- Japan and China -- Australisia. Woodland and desert -- Rain forests -- New Zealand -- Antarctica -- Travelers of the world -- Birds in danger -- Index.
Describes the physical characteristics and habitats of birds around the world.
1564583279 9781564583277 0751350680 9780751350685
GB9429041 bnb
Birds--Juvenile literature.
Birds--Geographical distribution--Juvenile literature.
Birds--Habitat--Juvenile literature.
Oiseaux--Ouvrages pour la jeunesse.
Oiseaux--Distribution g��ographique--Ouvrages pour la jeunesse.
Birds--Geographical distribution.
Juvenile works.
Juvenile literature.
598.29 598