The Palgrave handbook of script development /
The Palgrave handbook of script development /
Stayci Taylor, Craig Batty, editors.
- 1 recurso en línea (xxvii, 617 páginas ) : illustraciones.
- Gale eBooks .
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Introduction -- 'Behind the scenes' of script development -- The feedback phenomenon : dealing with multiple voices in the development of original screenplays -- Script readers as gatekeepers : demystifying processes of script coverage -- A creative pilgrimage : negotiating authenticity, creativity and budget in the medieval web series Tales of bacon -- creating the low-budget feature film script : development as emergence -- Script development on unscripted television : grand designs and the spectacle of the reveal -- Saying what must not be said : exploring communication in the script development process -- Scripting the experimental documentary film : developing the "script" for not reconciled -- Negotiating television autorship and gendering creative identity : Vicki Madden as Australian showrunner -- Constructing criticism without crushing confidence : cultures of feedback in television script development -- The business of script development : insights from industry practitioners -- Script development in time and place -- Doctoring La Cacera̕, Las Niąs De Alto Hospicio : issues in cross-cultural script consulting -- Script development as a collective enterprise : the writing of the indigenous feature Film Waru -- Independent, short and controversial : the script development of San Sabba -- How Angelica became the strange case of Angelica : from the idea to the script to the book to the film -- Scripting for the masses : notes on the political economy of Bollywood -- The relational language of first nations cultural sensibilities, principles and storytelling ethics as an intercultural approach to script development -- Writers' room and showrunner : discourses and practices in the German television industry -- The ASEAN ROK SCREENPLAY LAB : voices across Asia--stories about rice -- Textual manifestations of collaborative screen idea and story development : a Danish case study -- Scottish modernism goes to new Hollywood : tracing the script development of Alan Sharp's Night moves -- Alternative approaches -- Creating kaleidoscopic characters : working with performance to develop character stories prior to screen story -- Lean script development in the available materials school of filmmaking : this is dedicated to the one I love -- Pedagogy-led practice and practice-led pedagogy : a feedback loop of teaching and screenwriting -- A comparative study of the novel O Quatrilho and its adapted screenplays : researching the script development process -- Scripting and the multimodal screenplay within the script development process -- Don't eat my baby : collisions, development and Indigenous consultation in the Australian family feature film screenplay, Dingo -- The application of an 'eternal dance' methodology in the development of an original screenplay -- A collaborative reflection between writer, director and actors : table read as scriptwriting 'intervention' -- Hitting the road : performing the journey as a development strategy in Paris, Texas and goodbye pork pie -- Development across the intercultural divide : scripting stories with 'other' groups -- Unique contextos of script development -- Productive interventions : collaborative script development for stories about mental health issues and suicide -- Place, presence and play : a listening, co-active approach to story development -- Crafting immersive experiences : a case study of the development of three short narrative cinematic virtual reality (CVR) projects -- The screenplay as a means of communication : the case of notorious -- Between video games and television shows, towards meta script development practices? -- Developing textos for animated opera : a unique case study -- From comedy to drama : the curious case study of queenpin -- 'You never know who is in control' : German transmedia content development -- Violet City : script development from novel to green screen fantasy feature -- Checking the black list twice : the ambiguous industry role of script development services -- Correction to : lean script development in the available materials school of filmmaking : this is dedicated to the one I love.
Cine--Producción y dirección--Manuales.--
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Introduction -- 'Behind the scenes' of script development -- The feedback phenomenon : dealing with multiple voices in the development of original screenplays -- Script readers as gatekeepers : demystifying processes of script coverage -- A creative pilgrimage : negotiating authenticity, creativity and budget in the medieval web series Tales of bacon -- creating the low-budget feature film script : development as emergence -- Script development on unscripted television : grand designs and the spectacle of the reveal -- Saying what must not be said : exploring communication in the script development process -- Scripting the experimental documentary film : developing the "script" for not reconciled -- Negotiating television autorship and gendering creative identity : Vicki Madden as Australian showrunner -- Constructing criticism without crushing confidence : cultures of feedback in television script development -- The business of script development : insights from industry practitioners -- Script development in time and place -- Doctoring La Cacera̕, Las Niąs De Alto Hospicio : issues in cross-cultural script consulting -- Script development as a collective enterprise : the writing of the indigenous feature Film Waru -- Independent, short and controversial : the script development of San Sabba -- How Angelica became the strange case of Angelica : from the idea to the script to the book to the film -- Scripting for the masses : notes on the political economy of Bollywood -- The relational language of first nations cultural sensibilities, principles and storytelling ethics as an intercultural approach to script development -- Writers' room and showrunner : discourses and practices in the German television industry -- The ASEAN ROK SCREENPLAY LAB : voices across Asia--stories about rice -- Textual manifestations of collaborative screen idea and story development : a Danish case study -- Scottish modernism goes to new Hollywood : tracing the script development of Alan Sharp's Night moves -- Alternative approaches -- Creating kaleidoscopic characters : working with performance to develop character stories prior to screen story -- Lean script development in the available materials school of filmmaking : this is dedicated to the one I love -- Pedagogy-led practice and practice-led pedagogy : a feedback loop of teaching and screenwriting -- A comparative study of the novel O Quatrilho and its adapted screenplays : researching the script development process -- Scripting and the multimodal screenplay within the script development process -- Don't eat my baby : collisions, development and Indigenous consultation in the Australian family feature film screenplay, Dingo -- The application of an 'eternal dance' methodology in the development of an original screenplay -- A collaborative reflection between writer, director and actors : table read as scriptwriting 'intervention' -- Hitting the road : performing the journey as a development strategy in Paris, Texas and goodbye pork pie -- Development across the intercultural divide : scripting stories with 'other' groups -- Unique contextos of script development -- Productive interventions : collaborative script development for stories about mental health issues and suicide -- Place, presence and play : a listening, co-active approach to story development -- Crafting immersive experiences : a case study of the development of three short narrative cinematic virtual reality (CVR) projects -- The screenplay as a means of communication : the case of notorious -- Between video games and television shows, towards meta script development practices? -- Developing textos for animated opera : a unique case study -- From comedy to drama : the curious case study of queenpin -- 'You never know who is in control' : German transmedia content development -- Violet City : script development from novel to green screen fantasy feature -- Checking the black list twice : the ambiguous industry role of script development services -- Correction to : lean script development in the available materials school of filmmaking : this is dedicated to the one I love.
Cine--Producción y dirección--Manuales.--
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